The Road Ahead

(To listen to the podcast for this blog post click here)

Have you ever been in a situation when someone was trying to explain something to you, but only when you saw it for yourself you actually understood what they were talking about?

Or someone was describing what they ate and how good it tasted, but you only understood when you tasted it for yourself?

In Psalm 34:8 we are told, ‘oh taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him’ (KJV).  This Bible verse reassures me that God wants us to have a personal and experiential relationship with Him.  As we experience a deeper relationship with God, our trust and faith in God grows.

But there are times that we can’t see the path ahead, or we don’t understand the why behind the requests that we are being asked to complete.  There are times when though our understanding is cloudy, if we wait to see for ourselves, it could cause unnecessary issues – especially if the time is limited to really explore which is the best decision.  This can leave us in a dilemma between fear of procrastination and fear of being hasty.

As God’s children, following God and building a relationship with God requires us many times to just obey God, simply because God is all knowing.  He knows the beginning from the end.

It is like a parent telling a five-year old who doesn’t understand a lot about life not to do something, and the five-year old trusting the parent obeys, and is saved from danger.

With so much happening that is not understood, seeking God’s guidance is so important; and this includes seeking guidance in God’s word.  In Psalm 119:105 we are told: ‘Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path’ (KJV).

The song ‘All the way my Savior Leads me’ is one of my favorite hymns.  It was written by Fanny Crosby in 1875. I learned that Fanny Crosby did not have physical eyesight, but she understood the importance of having spiritual vision, which we also need today.

Being led is associated with visibility, even if it is not our own, but the visibility of the person who is leading us, or the person who is driving the vehicle in which we travel.

The driver needs to know which move to make next.  Also those leading persons on a trail – for example a hiking trail – also need to know which direction to take the next step.

We may have heard the saying or may have said it to others, ‘watch where you are going’.

Sometimes when walking, persons may get absorbed in looking to their left or to their right.  While a glance now and then along the way may be required to keep aware of the surroundings, a prolonged look can cause persons to drift off target or off course or even bump into things.  So keeping focused on where we are going is also important to help us to reach our destination and reach it safely.

As we live on this earth, understanding our mission in Christ, and depending on God’s vision to reveal to us the way, we can confidently make decisions regarding which step to take next; making decisions as we walk one step at a time as we follow God’s leading.

Let us continue to pray for God’s revelation regarding His vision and purpose for our lives.

As we go forward on the road ahead – that is the hour ahead, the day ahead, the week ahead, the month ahead, the year ahead, etc.., I encourage you to keep God’s Word and His instructions in mind.

Let us obey God with a heart of gratitude and submission to Him.

Be Blessed


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