Embracing Growth

(To listen to the podcast for this blog post click here)

For us to move forward, we need to go through a change process and we need to grow.  At times, being prepared for any situation (including changes) starts with our frame of mind and the attitude that we adopt. Thankfully God who knows everything gives us insights into how He desires to transform our thinking to bring our thoughts in line with His thoughts, and He provides all we need to achieve the changes.

God’s Word is a precious source to help us spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, mentally, socially and physically.  In the same way a gardener understands that plants need water to thrive, we seek care and nourishment for these different facets of our being.

When there is limited rain fall, some vegetation are able to maintain a green look and also continue to grow.  The answer at times is in the root system.  If some plants get accustomed to receiving water from the surface of the ground, the roots will not be encouraged to go deeper; so if the surface water supply goes, the plant will struggle to survive.

Could it be that this can be applied to our spiritual life?  Could it be that keeping the Lord’s Word in our hearts can be liken to letting our spiritual roots go deep; so deep that in times of stress and uncertainty the spiritual reservoir would have been established deep in our minds?

As we keep God’s Word in our minds each day, in an attitude of prayer, our connection to God and our spiritual root systems will develop.

We are to seek God – the source of our strength.  Though the connection is invisible to the human eye, the connection is discerned by our spiritual eyes; spiritual eyes that are developed as we partner with God.  Let us determine to submit to God, and do the part that He has asked us to do as He continues to develop us and reconcile us to Him.

To your continued growth.

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